Danielle and Heather Dest
Directors of Youth Ministry

Heather and Danielle Dest are thrilled for the opportunity to Co-Direct Mosaic UMC’s Youth Ministry. Married since November of 2018 and they keep busy and relevant with todays youth by raising a 19 yo son, 17 and 14 yo daughter. Heather and Danielle are both Licensed Clinical Social Workers and have more that a combined 25+ years of social work and therapy experience that affords them a rich connection to people and their community. Both have grown up with a foundation of faith that led to years of volunteering with church programming. Heather and Danielle have both been actively engaged in faith education and community service since being adolescents themselves. The two are dreamers and doers and know that the relationships forged with the youth at Mosaic will lead to the community growing stronger together through love and empowerment.